Do you realize that every day you thought you wasn't gonna make it do you remember them days where you thought it was absolutely unbearable and you thought you wasn't gonna do that one do you know that your survival rate for every last one of them bad days is 100% you your track record for surviving bad days is 100% that's a fact yo track record you bad in the thousand you survived every hater you survived all the fictions you've survived the firings you survived all the trouble you ever been in your survival rate is 100%.
Whatever challenges of discomfort you experienced you got to handle it what do you want me to tell you that it's going to be a picnic no it's not will it be challenging yes it's gonna kick your butt yes it is this dream you've got whatever you want to do will it be easy to just run on then don't know what'll happen overnight now with a bit struggle yes will there be times.
when you can't make ends meet yes that's a part of it wouldn't be times you won't know what to do yes that's a part of it well you have some opposition when things go wrong sometimes you will have many visits to Murphy oh you don't want to die yes yes that's a problem but that's just what you must go through and our to get where you want to go and guess what you are strong enough to do it you're strumming up and your life is worth whatever you have to go through there are few people who have decided within themselves.
I've got what it takes to make it they're not afraid about tomorrow because of how they see themselves because of what they feel that they deserve because of what they feel that they can create for themselves because these people have decided as they look at the future as they look at themselves there's a way where there's a will there's a way for me to begin to create a way out of no way and when you have that kind of consciousness when you have that kind of spirit nothing can stop me nothing